Spiritualism. Science, Philosophy and Religion

Spiritualism. Science, Philosophy and Religion
16th December 2020 Capture Energy

Spiritualism. A Science, Philosophy and Religion

When delving into any subject we are taught to research and ask questions. As with any interest it’s incredibly important to consider each aspect from multiple perspectives to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This methodology is actively encouraged for Spiritualists to help them find their own way, arriving at their owns truths within Spiritualism.

Spiritualism and its main pillars, the 7 principles can be interpreted different ways from many viewpoints. Three main viewpoints I would like to touch on in this blog are Spiritualism as a science, a philosophy and a religion.

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Spiritualism as a Science

Science lays out facts as they are proven up until the moment. Through research, experimentation and discovery, science increases its knowledge base, discarding concepts that no longer fit or have been proven from multiple sources to be false. Science is in a perpetual search of truth.

One area of Spiritualism to consider from a scientific point of view is mental mediumship. Mediumship is unique to Spiritualism and is communication between people living in this world and people who have died. Its main purpose is to prove life after mortal death, highlighting the immortality of the human soul.

There are many talks and presentations that offer assessments and revelations of this phenomena. It is also worth mentioning that Spiritualism is one of the only religions that constantly works to prove its belief in life after death. A medium communicates with what Spiritualists call the ‘spirit world’. There are many well-respected mediums, prominent figures within Spiritualism, people like Gordon Higginson who worked to promote spiritual advancement and mediumship, his findings and insights have been widely documented and in books, publications and through video media.

Explaining mental mediumship. As Albert Einstein said, “everything in life is a vibration”. We know that everything is vibrating on a different frequency, this defines whether it’s a solid, liquid or gas. The spirit world simply operates on another vibrational frequency to our world.

Looking at the mechanics of mediumship, its first important to understand the process of attunement. Through a form of meditation mediums are able to put themselves into an altered state and attune to the spirit world. This is similar to a radio tuning into a certain radio station. Mental mediumship is where mediums have trained their senses (known as the ‘Clairs’) to receive information from a spirit communicator and interpret the information to a recipient here in this world.

Demonstration of Mediumship

Over the years, places like the Arthur Findlay College have conducted experiments and test to prove mediumistic abilities. Now the SNU have set up specific places where mediums and spiritual practitioners can be studied, and their information verified.

Another way to think about it – attunement is mentally entering a room full of people/spirit communicators. Mediumship is having a conversation, listening, sensing and feeling information from different people/spirit communicators within that room. A medium is then able to interpret the information to a recipient here in our world.

Spiritualism as a Philosophy

The Philosophy of Spiritualism is built around 7 Principles which are.

  1. The Fatherhood of God
  2. The Brotherhood of Man
  3. The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels
  4. The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul
  5. Personal Responsibility
  6. Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all Good and Evil deeds done on Earth
  7. Eternal Progress Open to Every Human Soul

Each of the principles offers an overarching philosophy or outlook on life. On many occasions this runs parallel with belief but can also be viewed as a moral code in which to live by. As we evolve through life, this philosophy can be used in many situations we face.

We could discuss each principle individually, but I have done this in a previous post called What is Spiritualism?. I think it would be better in this case to consider the 7 principles as a whole, each element adds something to a bigger picture of what is required to help live a confident, moral and meaningful life.

The first principle offers the idea that there is something or someone bigger than us, the second suggests we are all human and should treat each other with respect. The next two principles clearly outline the spirit of what it means to be human and highlights there is more to life than just our mortal existence. The 5th principle lays the responsibly for our actions firmly on our own shoulders. The final two principles reflect our responsibility in life but also accountability in the next life. They add purpose, we are not just amassing knowledge, skills and wisdom for this world, but for the progression of our souls which transcend our mortal being.

As a life philosophy the principles combined offer a structure that fills our needs as humans. A belief in something greater than ourselves and the understanding that we are more than just mortal beings. Responsibility for our actions in this life, and accountability for our life choices in this world and the next. Finally, and importantly, a purpose that is greater than our mortal life, the evolution of our souls. The 7 Principles if followed can offer a moral and rich way of life, living with pride, respect and love for ourselves and the people around us.

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Spiritualism as a Religion

When looking at Spiritualism is a religion there is of course the first principle, The Fatherhood of God. A belief in a power greater than oneself. A uniting factor that brings great comfort to many with the thought that there is someone or something out there with greater knowledge and wisdom, meaning. We are not alone.

A firm belief in the immortality of the human soul, knowing that part of us lives on after death. Which leads to a core belief that differentiates Spiritualism from other religions, belief in the existence of the ‘spirit world’. After mortal death our soul or energy enters the spirit world, we communicate with people in the spirit world through mediumship. Spiritualism is one of the only religions which constantly tries to prove the immortality of the human soul and existence of the spirit world.

Another fundamental realisation within the religion is that there’s no absolution for your sins or actions. There is only accountability under the 5th Principle, Personal Responsibility and that accountability if not resolved in this life follows you to the next.

As a religion, Spiritualism promotes free thinking and questioning so Spiritualists can reach their own conclusions. As people look deeper into the religion, they begin to understand the importance of energy, the power of prayer and power of love. This makes practitioners more aware of their actions and recognise the importance of personal evolution.

Spiritualism as a religion helps to fill some of our needs as humans. Belief in a greater power as well as the immortality of some aspect of self. Accountability for your actions, the importance of personal evolution and having a purpose. Comfort in the fact that everything learnt in this life, all your wisdom and knowledge travels on to the next.

I have only touched lightly on Spiritualism as a science, philosophy and religion but these viewpoints are more a starting point to a lifetimes study. Spiritualism opens the mind to the importance of self-development and rewarding nature of helping others. There is no greater challenge in life than the study and evolution of one’s soul, feelings, emotions, sensitivity and love.

Written by Judith R Scarlett

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